The research-and-production firm "West Labs Ltd." has been based in 1994 in Kharkov.

Primary activity:

We are dealers:

  • ADEM - CAD/CAM systems (sales, training, development of operating programs, construction 3-D models, creation of postprocessors for any equipment);


The research-and-production firm "West Labs Ltd."
61125, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Primakova st. 46, building Ù-1

Tel. (057)783-86-61,783-86-62,783-86-63,783-88-11,783-88-22.
Fax (057)783-86-61,783-86-62.  - sales  - information  - technical support

As us to find:

From "Yuzhny Vokzal" station by a tram ¹14 to "Primakova street" stop;
From "Sovetskaya" metro station by fixed-rout taxi ¹219 to Primakova st.
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